Insignias y medallas
Descubra una colección curada de medallas soviéticas antiguas a la venta. Desde el valor del Ejército Rojo hasta las aventuras de los pioneros espaciales, nuestras medallas, insignias y pines originales de la URSS capturan momentos históricos. Adquiera pines de colección de la policía, premios soviéticos, insignias de la marina y más. Perfecto para los entusiastas del ejército soviético y los recuerdos de la URSS.
Model: Soviet Power
Signos de cuerpos policiales de la URSS. Para los empleados del interior de 1935-1936...
Sin Iva:$22.94
Model: Soviet Power
Insignia del Ejército Rojo Premio de caballería "Por excelente corte"
Insignia de jinete del ejército "Por excelente corte" para caballería y artillería a caballo desde 1928. Réplica de alta calidad con tapa atornillada...
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: Soviet Power
Insignia de la flota de la marina soviética Premio EXCELENTE PONTOON
Insignia de excelente pontón de la marina soviética a la venta, otorgada a los pontones de la flota n por méritos especiales y excelente desempeño de tareas. Insignia de premio de la Flota de la Armada de la URSS, nueva condición,..
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: Soviet Power
Insignia de premio del ejército soviético EXCELENTE BOMBERO
Insignia del ejército soviético "EXCELENTE BOMBERO", otorgada al bombero por méritos especiales. Insignia de premio del Ejército Rojo, nueva condición, atornillada...
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: Ukrainian Medals
Medalla conmemorativa de la revolución ucraniana con el signo "celestial cien en guardia" en memoria de la gente muerta durante los enfrentamientos en la Plaza de la Independencia en Ucrania - Maidan. Hecho de plata de níquel, diámetro 35mm. Viene en estuche de plástico...
Sin Iva:$28.69
Model: Soviet Power
Primera medalla rusa de la clase "para la distinción en servicio militar" (за отличие в воинской службе). Fue otorgado al personal militar del Ministerio de Defensa, de las tropas internas y de las tropas fronterizas tanto de la URSS como de la Federación Rusa por su excelente desempeño en el combat..
Sin Iva:$40.19
Model: Soviet Power
Order Of The Great Patriotic War (1st Class) - Soviet military award. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans for heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War. Replica copy...
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: Soviet Power
Order Of The Great Patriotic War (2nd Class) for sale - Soviet military award. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans for heroic deeds during the Great Patriotic War. Replica copy...
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: Soviet Power
This medal was established in USSR in 1938, this award was rewarded for distinction in hard labour and the pursuit of excellence in work. Replica copy for museum. Sign on the back: Work in USSR is Affair of Honor...
Sin Iva:$22.95
Model: Soviet Power
USSR special award order For Personal Courage, copy. It was established in 1988, rewarded for many merits, such as life-saving, keeping of public order and safeguard of state property, fighting crimes and many other exceptional events...
Sin Iva:$34.44
Model: Soviet Power
Modern post-USSR Ukraine award medal Gold Star Order - Hero of Ukraine. Given to the Ukrainians for outstanding heroic acts and labor feats. High quality replica...
Sin Iva:$28.69
Model: Soviet Power
This order was established in Soviet Union in 1928, and was rewarded to persons and organisations and places in USSR and foreign countries. It was awarded for achievements in all types of industries and social life, and for contribution in various science, culture and economical branches. Replica co..
Sin Iva:$45.94
Model: Soviet Power
The Order of Labour Glory was a Soviet civilian award established in 1974. Awarded for exceptional labour achievements, divided in three classes. Replica copy. 1st Class Order...
Sin Iva:$45.94
Model: Soviet Power
Chernobyl liquidators medal, given to CHAES catastrophe aftermath liquidation members. Given to those who participated in liquidation of tragic consequences of Chernobyl Nuclear power station accident, also n soldiers, Officers, policemen, firemen, Stalkers and civilians who participated in the firs..
Sin Iva:$24.95
Model: Soviet Power
1ª clase, esta orden fue nombrada en honor del almirante Fyodor Ushakov. Fue otorgado a los oficiales de la Marina por sus logros sobresalientes en el desarrollo, implementación y mantenimiento de las operaciones marinas activas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Atornille hacia atrás. Copia rusa réplica..
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: Soviet Power
Premio de la alta armada soviética, 1er grado. Esta orden fue otorgada a los oficiales de la Flota por logros sobresalientes en el desarrollo, implementación y mantenimiento de las operaciones marítimas. Atornille hacia atrás. Copia rusa (réplica)...
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: VMF-157
The badge is new, USSR Underwater Fleet Emblem...
Sin Iva:$5.69
Model: Soviet Power
USSR pilots badge with plane, wings, red star, 2 swords and shield. Given to those who graduated Soviet Military Pilots school. Replica copy, screw back...
Sin Iva:$17.25
Model: Soviet Power
Orden militar del ejército soviético de Alexander Suvorov
Primera clase, tornillo hacia atrás, réplica de la orden soviética de la Segunda Guerra Mundial nombrada en honor al mariscal de campo, el conde Alexander Suvorov. Fue otorgado a los comandantes del Ejército Rojo por logros sobresalientes en ..
Sin Iva:$57.95
Model: Soviet Power
2nd class Order for Service to the Homeland for sale, also known as the "Order for Service to the Motherland". This order was awarded to the soldiers for achievements in combat and political training, for maintaining high combat readiness and developing new military equipment, high performance in se..
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: Soviet Power
This award is an order of merit of the Soveit Union named in honour of saint Alexander Nevsky. It was awarded to Red Army commanders for outstanding services in organizing and directing military operations and achieved successes in fighting for their motherland as a result of these operations. Screw..
Sin Iva:$57.44
Model: VUZ-36
Soviet Topographic School cadets badge. New condition, hot enamel, screw back. Given to surveyors...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: VUZ-34
USSR cadets badge Engineering and Demining School. New condition, hot enamel and screw back, given to sappers...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: VUZ-33
USSR cadets badge INFANTRY SCHOOL. New, hot enamel and screw back, given to infantrymen...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: VUZ-32
Soviet cadets badge TANKER SCHOOL. The badge is new, hot enamel and screw back, given to tank troopers...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: VUZ-31
Soviet driver badge AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. The badge is new, hot enamel and screw back, given to military drivers...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: VUZ-30
Insignia soviética de metal. Escuela militar de armas. La placa es nueva, esmaltada en caliente y con rosca posterior...
Sin Iva:$17.19
Model: Soviet Power
Lote de 100/500/1000 insignias soviéticas de la URSS
Colección de 100/500/1000 insignias e insignias soviéticas e internacionales. buen estado Por favor, elija la cantidad antes de poner en el carrito de compras...
Sin Iva:$57.95
Model: COL-12-17
USSR Army "EXCELLENT GUNNER" badge. Red Army military award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: COL-12-10
USSR Army "EXCELLENT TRACTORIST" badge. Red Army military award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: COL-12-1
USSR Army "EXCELLENT MINER" badge. Red Army military award badge, new condition...
Sin Iva:$34.95
Model: COL-54
Soviet railroad special award badge "HONOURABLE RAILWAYMAN". Such badges were given to the best railwaymen for special merits. Hot enamel...
Sin Iva:$45.94