Scream is an American slasher film that laid the foundation for the eponymous horror film series centered on the character Sidney Prescott, who is haunted throughout the films by various people in a ghost mask. The picture caused a scandal in several countries due to the frank display of violence an..
Michael "Mike" Myers is a fictional character in the American horror series Halloween. For the first time, a maniac killer, possessed by the spirit of Samhain, appears in the first movie "Halloween" 1978, directed by director and screenwriter John Carpenter. Using his main weapon - a large table kni..
Scream is an American slasher film that laid the foundation for the eponymous horror film series centered on the character Sidney Prescott, who is haunted throughout the films by various people in a ghost mask. The picture caused a scandal in several countries due to the frank display of violence an..
Scream is an American slasher film that laid the foundation for the eponymous horror film series centered on the character Sidney Prescott, who is haunted throughout the films by various people in a ghost mask. The picture caused a scandal in several countries due to the frank display of violence an..
Scream is an American slasher film that laid the foundation for the eponymous horror film series centered on the character Sidney Prescott, who is haunted throughout the films by various people in a ghost mask. The picture caused a scandal in several countries due to the frank display of violence an..
Chernobyl liquidators medal, given to CHAES catastrophe aftermath liquidation members. Given to those who participated in liquidation of tragic consequences of Chernobyl Nuclear power station accident, also n soldiers, Officers, policemen, firemen, Stalkers and civilians who participated in the firs..
Soviet NOS protecton uniform, used by Ukrainian Stalkers in Pripyat and area. Can be used with gas mask for better protection. Also may be used as Anti-Encephalitis and beekeeper protection suit. Can be used as Halloween costume, and on other holidays. Never used, old stock (made in USSR 1986)...
USSR Army Generals winter hat "PAPAHA". These hats were made for excellent protection from cold Soviet winters. Made of original Fur (Karakul), made by famous soviet factory "Belka" (The Squirrel). The hat comes with Soviet badge...